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Q: What makes the Services provided on different from Services provided by other similar Sites?

Ans: deals only with selected Partners who have gone through different levels of screening and that is why we say that we ‘Provide guided access to Services and Linkages’ .

Q: I have just finished from school and I want to learn one of the Construction skills, how can I register for training?

Ans: only provides access to Finishing Skills Training for active construction workers, but we can link you up with our training partners who will be very happy to train you from scratch based on their terms and conditions.

Q: How do I register for retraining and what are the condtions for qualification.

Ans: You can only apply through our link page on Training. To qualify, you must have been working for at least three years with evidences to proof the jobs you have worked on.

Q: As an carpenter, what are the benefits of being listed on the Website?

Ans: The benefits are many for all construction workers and they include;
i. Your information will be seen by many people who need quality service that you have been retrained to provide,
ii. You will be able to get jobs from very big customers and corporate organizations who desire quality jobs,
iii. You will have access to different work tools/equipment and quality materials that will make your job better,
iv. If you have any problem with any job you’re doing, you can ask questions on the Website and there will be people to guide you on what to do through our Construction Forum.
v. Continuous access to more training when new products/tools/equipment come out.

Q: How much does it cost to be listed on the Website as an artisan (mason, carpenter, tiler etc)?

Ans: Registration is free but subsequently, there will be payment of annual dues commencing twelve months after registration. Other Terms and Conditions will also apply.

Q: What does it cost for other Partners (e.g Property owners, Construction Professionals, Contractors, Construction materials, equipment & tools manufacturers/distributors, Students, Institutions) to be enlisted on the Website.

Ans. Registration to be enlisted on the Website is free for all Partners. However, if you want to display your Company/Business Logo, Brand and Profile, other Terms and Conditions will apply, except for our Training Sponsors. But if you want to advertise specific Products/Services, other Terms and Conditions will apply for all Partners.

Q: I have been working as a mason for more than three years and I have helped many people build their houses, why do I need to be trained again?

Ans: needs to retrain all artisans that will be listed on the Website to guarantee the minimum level of quality assurance in the Services being offered through the Website.
